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Advanced examples

Run unit and integration tests separately

To run unit and integration tests separately, the "integration" tag can be used as a filter. See the following examples:

# All tests (unit and integration)
dart test

# Only integration tests: add --tags (-t) flag
dart test -t integration

# Only unit tests: add --exclude-tags (-x) flag
dart test -x integration

To change the name of this tag, see the testGroupTagsOverride configuration option.

Test business logic that depends on Session

It is common to break out business logic into modules and keep it separate from the endpoints. If such a module depends on a Session object (e.g to interact with the database), then the withServerpod helper can still be used and the second endpoint argument can simply be ignored:

withServerpod('Given decreasing product quantity when quantity is zero', (
) {
var session =;

setUp(() async {
await Product.db.insertRow(session, [
id: 123,
name: 'Apple',
quantity: 0,

test('then should throw `InvalidOperationException`',
() async {
var future = ProductsBusinessLogic.updateQuantity(
id: 123,
decrease: 1,

await expectLater(future, throwsA(isA<InvalidOperationException>()));

Multiple users interacting with a shared stream

For cases where there are multiple users reading from or writing to a stream, such as real-time communication, it can be helpful to validate this behavior in tests.

Given the following simplified endpoint:

class CommunicationExampleEndpoint {
static const sharedStreamName = 'shared-stream';
Future<void> postNumberToSharedStream(Session session, int number) async {
await session.messages
.postMessage(sharedStreamName, SimpleData(num: number));

Stream<int> listenForNumbersOnSharedStream(Session session) async* {
var sharedStream =

await for (var message in sharedStream) {
yield message.num;

Then a test to verify this behavior can be written as below. Note the call to the flushEventQueue helper (exported by the test tools), which ensures that listenForNumbersOnSharedStream executes up to its first yield statement before continuing with the test. This guarantees that the stream was registered by Serverpod before messages are posted to it.

withServerpod('Given CommunicationExampleEndpoint', (sessionBuilder, endpoints) {
const int userId1 = 1;
const int userId2 = 2;

'when calling postNumberToSharedStream and listenForNumbersOnSharedStream '
'with different sessions then number should be echoed',
() async {
var userSession1 = sessionBuilder.copyWith(
authentication: AuthenticationOverride.authenticationInfo(
var userSession2 = sessionBuilder.copyWith(
authentication: AuthenticationOverride.authenticationInfo(

var stream =
// Wait for `listenForNumbersOnSharedStream` to execute up to its
// `yield` statement before continuing
await flushEventQueue();

await endpoints.testTools.postNumberToSharedStream(userSession2, 111);
await endpoints.testTools.postNumberToSharedStream(userSession2, 222);

await expectLater(stream.take(2), emitsInOrder([111, 222]));