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Version: 1.1.1

Get started

This page should give you an understanding of how a Serverpod project is structured, how you make calls to endpoints, and how you communicate with the database. Before going through it, make sure that you have the latest version of Serverpod installed. In the previous section, you can learn how to set up the command line tools and install Serverpod Insights.

Creating a new project

To get your local Serverpod project up and running, make sure that Docker Desktop is running. Then, create a new project by running serverpod create.

serverpod create mypod

It can take up to a few minutes the first time you run serverpod create. This is because Docker will need to download and build the containers used by Serverpod.

This command will create a new directory called mypod, with three dart packages inside; mypod_server, mypod_client, and mypod_flutter.

  • mypod_server: This package contains your server-side code. Modify it to add new endpoints or other features your server needs.
  • mypod_client: This is the code needed to communicate with the server. Typically, all code in this package is generated automatically, and you should not edit the files in this package.
  • mypod_flutter: This is the Flutter app, pre-configured to connect to your local server.

Starting the server

Start your Docker containers with docker compose up --build --detach. It will start Postgres and Redis. Then, run dart bin/main.dart to start your server.

cd mypod/mypod_server
docker compose up --build --detach
dart bin/main.dart

If everything is working, you should see something like this on your terminal:

SERVERPOD version: 1.x.x, mode: development, time: 2022-09-12 17:22:02.825468Z
Insights listening on port 8081
Server default listening on port 8080
Webserver listening on port 8082

If you need to stop the Docker containers at some point, just run docker compose stop or use the Docker Desktop application. You can also use Docker Desktop to start, stop, and manage your containers.

Running the demo app

Start the default demo app by changing directory into the Flutter package that was created and running flutter run.

cd mypod/mypod_flutter
flutter run -d chrome

The flag -d chrome runs the app in Chrome, for other run options please see the Flutter documentation.


If you run the app on MacOS you will need to add permissions for outgoing connections in your Xcode project. To do this, open the Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode. Then check the Outgoing Connections (Client) under Runner > Signing & Capabilities > App Sandbox. Make sure to add the capability for all run configurations.

Server overview

At first glance, the complexity of the server may seem daunting, but there are only a few directories and files you need to pay attention to. The rest of the files will be there when you need them in the future, e.g., when you want to deploy your server or if you want to set up continuous integration.

These are the most important directories:

  • config These are the configuration files for your Serverpod. These include a password.yaml file with your passwords and configurations for running your server in development, staging, and production. By default, everything is correctly configured to run your server locally.
  • lib/src/endpoints This is where you place your server's endpoints. When you add methods to an endpoint, Serverpod will generate the corresponding methods in your client.
  • lib/src/protocol The entity definition files are placed here. The files define the classes you can pass through your API and how they relate to your database. Serverpod generates serializable objects from the entity definitions.

Both the endpoints and protocol directories contain sample files that give a quick idea of how they work. So this a great place to start learning.

Generating code

Whenever you change your code in either the endpoints or protocol directory, you will need to regenerate the classes managed by Serverpod. Do this by running serverpod generate.

cd mypod/mypod_server
serverpod generate

Working with endpoints

Endpoints are the connection points to the server from the client. With Serverpod, you add methods to your endpoint, and your client code will be generated. For the code to be generated, you need to place your endpoint in the lib/src/endpoints directory of your server. Your endpoint should extend the Endpoint class. For methods to be generated, they need to return a typed Future, and its first parameter should be a Session object. The Session object holds information about the call being made and provides access to the database.

import 'package:serverpod/serverpod.dart';

class ExampleEndpoint extends Endpoint {
Future<String> hello(Session session, String name) async {
return 'Hello $name';

The above code will create an endpoint called example (the Endpoint suffix will be removed) with the single hello method. To generate the client-side code run serverpod generate in the home directory of the server.

On the client side, you can now invoke the method by calling:

var result = await client.example.hello('World');

To learn more about endpoints, see the Working with endpoints section.

Serializing data

Serverpod makes it easy to generate serializable classes that can be passed between server and client or used to communicate with the database.

The structure for your serialized classes is defined in yaml-files in the lib/src/protocol directory. Run serverpod generate in the home directory of the server to build the Dart code for the classes and make them accessible to both the server and client.

Here is a simple example of a yaml-file defining a serializable class:

class: Company
name: String
foundedDate: DateTime?
employees: List<Employee>

Supported types are bool, int, double, String, DateTime, ByteData, and other serializable classes. You can also use Lists and Maps of the supported types, just make sure to specify the types. Null safety is supported. The keys of Map must be non-nullable Strings. Once your classes are generated, you can use them as parameters or return types to endpoint methods.


You can also create custom serialized classes with tools such as Freezed. Learn more in the Serialization section.

Working with the database

A core feature of Serverpod is to query the database easily. Serverpod provides an ORM that supports type and null safety.

Connecting to the database

When working with the database, it is common that you want to connect to it with a database viewer such as Postico2, PgAdmin, or DBeaver. To connect to the database you need to specify the the host and port as well as the database name, user name, and password. In your project you can find these inside the config directory.

The connection details can be found in the file config/development.yaml. The variable name refers to the database name.

host: localhost
port: 8090
name: projectname
user: postgres


The password can be found in the file config/passwords.yaml.



Reading and writing to the database

Add a table key to your protocol file to add a mapping to the database. The value specified after the key sets the database table name. Here is the Company class from earlier with a database table mapping to a table called company:

class: Company
table: company
name: String
foundedDate: DateTime?

When you run serverpod generate, Serverpod will create the SQL queries needed to create the table. The generated SQL code is found in the generated/tables.pgsql file of your server.

Inserting a table row

Insert a new row in the database by calling the static insert method of a class with database bindings.

var myCompany = Company(name: 'Serverpod corp.', foundedDate:;
await Company.insert(session, myCompany);

After the object has been inserted, its id field is set from its row in the database.

Finding a single row

Tables are accessible through generated serializable classes and a session object is always required. You can find a single row by using the findById method and providing the id of the row.

var myCompany = await Company.findById(session, companyId);

You can also use an expression to do a more refined search. The where parameter is a typed expression builder. The builder's parameter, t, contains a description of the table which gives access to the table's columns.

var myCompany = await Company.findSingleRow(
where: (t) =>'My Company'),

If no matching row is found, null is returned.


Working with a database is an extensive subject. Learn more in the Database communication section.

Where to go next

You should now have a basic understanding of how Serverpod works. The different topics are described in more detail in the Concepts section of the documentation. If you are unfamiliar with server-side development, a good staring place for learning is to do the Build your first app tutorial. There are also many good video tutorials linked in the Tutorials section.

If you get stuck, never be afraid to ask questions in our community on Github. The Serverpod team is very active there, and many questions are also answered by other developers in the community.