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Version: 0.9.20

Database communication

Serverpod makes it easy to communicate with your database using strictly typed objects without a single SQL line. But, if you need to do more complex tasks, you can always do direct SQL calls. You define your database mappings right in the protocol yaml files.

Database mappings

It's possible to map serializable classes straight to tables in your database. To do this, add the table key to your yaml file:

class: Company
table: company
name: String
foundedDate: DateTime?

When running serverpod generate, the database schema will be saved in the generated/tables.pgsql file. You can use this to create the corresponding database tables.


When you add a table to a serializable class, Serverpod will automatically add an id field of type int? to the class. You should not define this field yourself. The id is set when you insert or select a row from the database. The id field allows you to do updates and reference the rows from other objects and tables.

Field scopes

In some cases, you want to save a field to the database, but it should never be sent to the server. You can exclude it from the protocol by adding the database scope to the type.

class: UserData
name: String
password: String?, database

Likewise, if you only want a field to be accessible in the protocol but not stored in the server, you can add the api flag. By default, a field is accessible to both the API and the database.


If you use the database or api options the field must be nullable.

Database indexes

For performance reasons, you may want to add indexes to your database tables. You add these in the YAML-files defining the serializable objects.

class: Company
table: company
name: String
foundedDate: DateTime?
employees: List<Employee>?, api
fields: name

The fields key holds a comma-separated list of column names. In addition, it's possible to add a type key (default is btree), and a unique key (default is false).

Parent/child relationships

With a field's parent property, you can define a relationship with a table's parent table. This relationship ensures that the parent id is always valid and that if you delete the referenced parent, the referencing row will automatically be deleted.

The employee's parent is set to the company table in the example below. If you remove the company, all employees of the company will automatically be removed. When you insert the employee into the database, you must specify a valid companyId that corresponds to the id field in the company table.

class: Employee
table: employee
companyId: int, parent=company
name: String
birthday: DateTime

Storing objects or references

If you reference another serializable object in your yaml file, it will be stored as a JSON entry in the database. This creates a copy of that object. In many cases, this is not desirable. Instead, you may want to reference that object by an id from another table. See the section on joining tables and nesting objects below for more information.

In the example below, a list of employees is stored as a JSON structure for each company in the database. A better solution would be to create a database row for each employee and reference the company. However, there are cases where it is convenient to store whole JSON structures in each row.

class: Company
table: company
name: String
employees: List<Employee> # Stored as JSON structure

Making queries

For the communication to work, you need to have generated serializable classes with the table key set, and the corresponding table must have been created in the database.

Inserting a table row

Insert a new row in the database by calling the insert method of the db field in your Session object.

var myRow = Company(name: 'Serverpod corp.', employees: []);
await Company.insert(session, myRow);

After the object has been inserted, it's id field is set from its row in the database.

Finding a single row

You can find a single row, either by its id or using an expression. You need to pass a reference to the a session in the call. Tables are accessible through generated serializable classes.

var myCompany = await Company.findById(session, companyId);

If no matching row is found, null is returned. You can also search for rows using expressions with the where parameter. The where parameter is a typed expression builder. The builder's parameter, t, contains a description of the table which gives access to the table's columns.

var myCompany = await Company.findSingleRow(
where: (t) =>'My Company'),

Finding multiple rows

To find multiple rows, use the same principle as for finding a single row. Returned will be a List of TableRows.

var companies = await Company.find(
where: (t) => < 100,
limit: 50,

Updating a row

To update a row, use the update method. The object that you update must have its id set to a non-null value.

var myCompany = await session.db.findById(tCompany, companyId) as Company?; = 'New name';
await session.db.update(myCompany);

Deleting rows

Deleting a single row works similarly to the update method, but you can also delete rows using the where parameter.

// Delete a single row
await Company.deleteRow(session, myCompany);

// Delete all rows where the company name ends with 'Ltd'
await Company.delete(
where: (t) =>'%Ltd'),

Creating expressions

To find or delete specific rows, most often, expressions are needed. Serverpod makes it easy to build expressions that are statically type-checked. Columns are referenced using the global table descriptor objects. The table descriptors, t are passed to the expression builder function. The >, >=, <, <=, &, and | operators are overridden to make it easier to work with column values. When using the operators, it's a good practice to place them within a set of parentheses as the precedence rules are not always what would be expected. These are some examples of expressions.

// The name column of the Company table equals 'My company')'My company')

// Companies founded at or after 2020
t.foundedDate >= DateTime.utc(2020)

// Companies with number of employees between 10 and 100
(t.numEmployees > 10) & (t.numEmployees <= 100)

// Companies that has the founded date set

Joining tables and nesting objects

Serverpod does not yet support joins automatically. However, you can easily create nested objects by performing two or more queries.

For instance, if you have a Company object with a list of Employee it can be declared like this:

# company.yaml
class: Company
table: company
name: String
employees: List<Employee>?, api

# employee.yaml
class: Employee
table: employee
companyId: int
name: String
birthday: DateTime

This prevents the list of Employee to be automatically fetched or stored in the database. After you fetch a Company object from the database, format it by fetching the list of Employees.

var company = await Company.findById(session, id);

var employees = await Employee.find(
where: (t) => t.companyId.equals(,

company.employees = employees;

Future versions of Serverpod will add support for automatic joins and database views.


The essential point of a database transaction is that it bundles multiple steps into a single, all-or-nothing operation. The intermediate states between the steps are not visible to other concurrent transactions, and if some failure occurs that prevents the transaction from completing, then none of the steps affect the database at all.

Serverpod handles database transactions through the session.db.transaction method. The transaction takes a method that performs any database queries or other operations and optionally returns a value.

var result = await session.db.transaction((transaction) async {
// Do some database queries here.

// Optionally return a value.
return true;

Executing raw queries

Sometimes more advanced tasks need to be performed on the database. For those occasions, it's possible to run raw SQL queries on the database. Use the query method. A List<List<dynamic>> will be returned with rows and columns.

var result = await session.db.query('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE ...');