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Version: 2.1.0

AWS EC2 with Terraform

Serverpod makes it easy to deploy your server to AWS using Github and Terraform. Terraform will set up and manage your infrastructure while you use Github actions to manage versions and deployments. Creating your project using serverpod create Serverpod will automatically generate your deployment scripts. The default setup uses a minimal configuration that will fit within the AWS free tier, but you can easily modify the configuration to suit your needs.


Using Serverpod’s AWS deployment may incur costs to your AWS account. Serverpod’s scripts are provided as-is, and we take no responsibility for any unexpected charges for using them.


To use the deployment scripts, you will need the following:

  1. An AWS account. It may take up to 24 hours to get your AWS account up and running.
  2. AWS CLI, configured with your credentials. Install AWS CLI
  3. Terraform. Install Terraform
  4. Your Serverpod project version controlled on Github.

If you haven’t used Terraform before, it’s a great idea to go through their tutorial for AWS, as it will give you a basic understanding of how everything fits together. Get started with Terraform and AWS


The top directory created by Serverpod must be the root directory of your Git repository. Otherwise, the deployment scripts won’t work correctly.

What will be deployed?

The deployment scripts will set up everything you need to run your Serverpod, including an autoscaling cluster of servers, load balancers, a Postgres database, Redis, S3 buckets for file uploads, CloudFront, CodeDeploy, DNS records, and SSL certificates. Some of the components are optional, and you will need to opt in. You can also create a second server cluster for a staging environment. The staging servers allow you to test code before you deploy it to the production servers.

You deploy your configuration with a domain name; the scripts will set up subdomains that provide access to different functions of your deployment:

  • This is the entry point for your main Serverpod server.
  • The Serverpod web server. If you prefer to host it on your top domain and use www as a redirect, you can change this in the main Terraform configuration file.
  • Provides access to the Serverpod UI and gets insights from your server while it is running.
  • This is how you access your database from outside the server.
  • Access to public storage used by Serverpod.

Set up your domain name and certificates

Before deploying your server, you must configure your server’s top domain in AWS. You can register your domain through any registrar, but you need to set up a public hosted zone in Route 53 in AWS.

  1. Sign in to the AWS console and navigate to Route 53 > Hosted zones.
  2. Click Create hosted zone.
  3. Enter your domain name and click Create hosted zone.
  4. The console will display a number of DNS names for Amazon’s name servers. You will need to have your domain registrar point to these name servers. Depending on your registrar, this process will be slightly different.
  5. Expand the Hosted zone details and take note of your Hosted zone ID (you will need it in your Terraform configuration later).

AWS hosted zone record

Finding the domain name servers for your hosted zone.

Next, you need to create two SSL certificates for your domain. Navigate to AWS Certificate Manager. Here it’s important in which regions you create your certificates. We are deploying to Oregon (us-west-2) in this example, but you can deploy to any region.

  1. In the top-right corner, choose your preferred region, then click the Request button to request a new certificate.
  2. Choose to request a public certificate.
  3. For the Fully qualified domain name, enter your domain name.
  4. Click Add another name to this certificate.
  5. Enter a wildcard for any subdomain. E.g., *
  6. Validate the domain using DNS validation. AWS can automatically create the required entries in Route 53. Just follow the instructions.
  7. Save the ARN of your newly created certificate (you will need it in your Terraform configuration later).

Request certificate

Create a wildcard certificate for your domain.

Finally, you must create a second wildcard certificate in the US East N. Virginia (us-east-1) region. AWS Cloudfront can only access certificates created in the us-east-1 region. Change the region, and repeat the steps from when you created your first certificate. Save the ARN of your second certificate.

Configure Github

To allow Github to manage deployments to your AWS server cluster, you need to provide it with access keys and our passwords.yaml file from the Serverpod project. You can use the same AWS access keys as you used to configure AWS CLI or generate a new pair.

Sign in to Github and find your project’s settings. Navigate to Secrets > Actions. Here you need to add three secrets for deployment to work correctly. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are your AWS credentials. Github also needs access to your config/passwords.yaml file. Copy the contents of the passwords file and add it to SERVERPOD_PASSWORDS.

Github secrets

Your Github Action secrets after they have been configured.

Configure Dart Version

You should run your deployment using the same dart version as your set-up locally. There are 2 different places that you need to specify for your AWS deployment:

  1. In file .github/workflows/deployment-aws.yml, under the steps Setup Dart SDK, you can set your Dart SDK version. It is sufficient to specify to minor version. For example, if you are using Dart 3.5.1, you can write 3.5.

          - name: Setup Dart SDK
    uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.6.5
  2. In file mypod_server/deploy/aws/scripts/install_dependencies, you can specify on top of the page the version of Dart SDK that you are using after DART_VERSION=. For example if you are using Dart 3.5.1, you can specify like the following:



For users who generated the project with the Serverpod CLI version <=2.0.2. You can upgrade dart by adding a few lines the code under mypod_server/deploy/aws/scripts/install_dependencies. You can copy the lines of code needed as indicated in the following code block.



# Uncomment the following code if you have already generated the project with the older version of serverpod cli
# What this code do is to remove our previous way of setting dart version in the launch template
if [ -f "/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
sudo rm /etc/profile.d/

## install specified dart version if it is not present on the machine

if [ ! -d "/usr/lib/dart$DART_VERSION" ]; then
wget -q$DART_VERSION/sdk/ -P /tmp
cd /tmp || exit
unzip -q
sudo mv dart-sdk/ /usr/lib/dart$DART_VERSION/
sudo chmod -R 755 /usr/lib/dart$DART_VERSION/
rm -rf

## make symlink to use this dart as default
sudo ln -sf "/usr/lib/dart$DART_VERSION/bin/dart" /usr/local/bin/dart


cat > /lib/systemd/system/serverpod.service << EOF
Description=Serverpod server



systemctl daemon-reload

This install the Dart SDK on the machine and change the default Dart SDK version on the machine

Configure Serverpod

You acquired a hosted zone id and two certificate ARNs from AWS in the previous steps. You will need these to configure your Serverpod deployment scripts. You find the Terraform scripts in your server’s aws/terraform folder. Open up the file. Most of the file is already configured, including your project’s name. You will need to fill in the variables: hosted_zone_id, top_domain, certificate_arn, and cloudfront_certificate_arn.


If you deploy your servers in a region other than Oregon (us-west-2), you will need to update the aws_region, instance_ami and in some cases instance_type variable. Instructions are in the configuration file. In addition, you will also need to update the region in your Github deployment file located in .github/workflows/deployment-aws.yml.

By default, the Terraform scripts are configured to use a minimal setup to reduce costs for running your Serverpod. You can quickly turn on additional features, such as enabling Redis or adding a staging server by changing values in the script. You can also change these values later and redo the deployment step.

Finally, to complete your Serverpod configuration, you will need to edit the config/staging.yaml and config/production.yaml files. In these files you should:

  1. Replace the domain with the domain you are using for your server.

  2. Replace the database with the database url from the RDS. Replace the url with the corresponding environment yaml file in mypod_server/config under the section. The following command should help you retrieve the URL for your database.

aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ${YOUR_DB_INSTANCE_ID} | jq ".DBInstances.[0].Endpoint.Address" -r

Ensure that you have ssl enabled for the corresponding environment as RDS enable ssl by default. You can do so by adding requireSsl: true in your config file in server/config/production.yaml and/or server/config/staging.yaml


port: 5432
name: serverpod
user: postgres
requireSsl: true

Deploy your infrastructure

Your Serverpod should now be configured and ready to be deployed. Exciting times! Open up a terminal and cd into your server aws/terraform directory. First, you need to add an environment variable so that Terraform can correctly set the password for the Postgres database. You will find the production password for the database in your config/passwords.yaml file.


Next, we are ready to initialize Terraform and deploy our server. You will only need to run the terraform init command the first time you deploy the configuration.

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

Terraform will now run some checks and make a plan for the deployment. If everything looks good, it will ask you if you are ready to go ahead with the changes. Type yes and hit the return key. Applying the changes can take up to five minutes as AWS creates the different resources needed for your Serverpod.

Create database tables

For your Serverpod to function correctly, you will need to create its required database tables and any tables specific to your setup. The database queries needed to set up your tables are found in the latest migration migrations/<LATEST_MIGRATION>/definition.sql. The definition.sql file configures all tables required by your project. Use your favorite tool to connect to the database (Postico is a good option if you are on a Mac). Connect to (replace with your domain); the user is postgres, the port is 5432, and the database is serverpod. Use the production password from the config/password.yaml file.

Github secrets

Connect to the database with Postico.

Deploy your code


Using an old version of Serverpod cli will generate the Github action file containing old dart version that might not be the one you are using. You can fix this by the following example. In the example, we are using the dart version v3.5.1. You can adjust to the dart version that you are using.

  1. In ./github/workflows/deployment-aws.yml use
      - name: Setup Dart SDK
uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1.6.5
sdk: 3.5
  1. In server/deploy/aws/terraform/ change the version of dart installed on the machine.
wget -q

We now have our servers, load balancers, database, and other required infrastructure. The only missing part is that our code is not yet up and running. There are two ways to deploy the code from our Github project. We can either push the code to a branch called deployment-aws-production or manually trigger the deployment action from the Github webpage.


If you have set up a staging server, you can also push code to a branch called deployment-aws-staging. This will deploy your code to the staging environment.

To manually trigger a deployment, navigate to your project on the Github webpage. Click Actions > Deploy to AWS > Run workflow. This will open up a small dialog that allows you to choose which branch you want to use and if you’re going to target the production or staging servers. Next, click Run workflow. This will trigger the action to deploy your code to your Serverpod. Usually, the deployment process takes around 30 seconds to complete.

Request certificate

Manually deploy your server with Github actions.

Test your deployment

Your Serverpod should now be up and running! To check if everything is working, open up your web browser and go to (You should replace your with your own domain name.) If everything is correctly configured, you will get a message similar to this:

OK 2022-05-19 14:29:16.974160Z

Troubleshooting and tips and tricks

Chances are that if you followed the instructions, you have a Serverpod deployment that you won't have to touch very often. However, this section gives you some pointers on where to start looking if things go wrong.

Signing in to your instances

You can find a list of your currently running EC2 instances by navigating to EC2 > Instances. Click on one of the instances to go to its summary page. From there, click Connect. On the Connect to instance page, click Connect, and AWS will open up a console window with access to your EC2 instance.

After Signing in to your instance, you should check if the service is running with systemctl status serverpod.service

If the service is running, you can look into the serverpod error log in serverpod.err and server log in serverpod.log in the home directory.

If all checks out, try to use curl localhost:8080 to see if the service can be reached from local. If we get the expected response, we know that the service is running properly.

External dependencies and submodules

The deployment scripts support using submodules and external dependencies. Place any such dependencies in a directory called vendor at the root of your Github project.

Troubleshooting deployments

The deployment process involves a couple of steps. When you trigger a deployment from Github, the action will create a deployment and upload it to an S3 bucket. Then, CodeDeploy on AWS is triggered. You can find the logs from the Github action under the Actions tab of your project. If the deployment process fails later, those logs are available on AWS by navigating to CodeDeploy > Deploy > Deployments.